Available Articles with English and Sinhala translations
1. Article on Sampatha
2. Article on Divaina
3. Article on Daily Mirror- June 6 2007
Article on Sampatha
SAGE WHO HEALS THROUGH PSYCHIC POWERS - S. D. P. PATHMASIRIThe English translation of the article that appeared in ‘Sampatha ’ news paper Dated o1.Oct.2003
The meaning of Piritha or Paritta is protection. Protection derived through Piritha is applicable not only to the present day society, but even to long periods gone by. Scriptures show that in the ancient city of Vishala in India, the powers of the Ratana Sutra were responsible for driving away the three devastating fears of famine, demoniac effects and pestilence during the time of Lord Buddha. It is documented that even when the Arahants were confined to sicknesses, Pirith Dharma was able to heal them. Through Pirith and meditation, one could acquire psychic spiritual power. Mind based spiritual comfort attained through Maha Piritha, Dhajagga Pititha, Dhamma Chakka Sutra and Bojjanga Sutra by any person could be enormous. Persons like the sages, who healed patients through the powers of Piritha and meditation, also using their psychic powers to identify the medications, were present not only in the ancient times, but they are existing even today. We recently met such a person, who heals patients through the psychic powers he has acquired through meditation and the Piritha. “I have been able to heal patients using the psychic powers I acquired through Pitirh and meditation. “ said Mr S D P Pathmasiri, who is able to heal patients having any serious ailment.
Are you really a Doctor of Medicine ?
I am neither a Doctor of Medicine or a Native Doctor. But it is true that I heal patients. But please do not think that I am doing so with the hidden powers vested upon me by a dead relative of mine. Very often I use Piritha and meditation to heal patients.
If you think your body has acquired those powers, what was the basis for it ?
From my childhood, I was very close to Buddhism. I used to observe the five precepts since then. An astrologer, who read my horoscope said that in my previous birth, I had been a trouble-creator for other people, and to re-pay for those sins I must start meditation and extend compassion towards others in this birth. Thereafter, I started meditation and chanting Pirith. After sometime, I started feeling that some kind of a power has entered my body. It resembled a power to make decisions.
What you say is that meditation and Pirith chanting have empowered you. Can you please explain it further ?
I started chanting 23 Pirith Sutras every night. Not only that, I practised Maithree Bhavana (meditation) and Vipassana Bhavana as well. I continued this process for about four years, when I started realizing that something like waves of rays and heat were emanating from my body. Then after sometime, I noticed that the finger tips of my hands were swelling. It happened after I finished with the meditation and the Pirith. However, it disappeared after about half an hour. I realized that my fingers were not just normal, but embodied with some kind of power.
Did you do anything to make sure about it ?
One day, when I had just finished my meditation, I had almost got up, when I lost my balance and was falling back to the ground. Just at that moment, I placed my hand on the floor to prevent the fall, and immediately I felt that some sort of energy - release active in my hand was penetrating onto the earth. My fingers became very light and different having lost the usual heaviness. This incident prompted me that my fingers have some powers.
How did you know that such powers could heal patients. ?
One day, I heard that a lady in Ganemulla was also going through similar experiences, and that she was able to heal patrients. I went and saw her. During our discussion, I realized that she was also enjoying such powers as those of mine. Since then, I used to keep medicinal oil varieties near me during my meditation and chanting of Pirith.
Did you try to experiment in healing any patients with your powers ?
I heard that one of my nieces was ailing with a boil on her body. Doctors were preparing her for a surgical operation in a short time. I went to see her and just held my hand near the area of the boil and withdrew the hand. Within the next two weeks, I was told that the boil had disappeared. That was a turning point for me, and I decided that I should improve further on my powers, and help the people suffering from various kinds of illnesses.
You need medications for any kind of treatment. Do you also really use any medications ?
When healing patients, I also use certain medications for some of them. I identify the items of medication using my psychic powers derived through meditation and Pirith. But I never make a patient take my medication orally. Nor do I promote applications. What I do is to place my medications close to the body of the patient, so that the body absorbs and digest the latent healing power of the medications. But if the need arises, I will give juices of fruits and vegetables for the patients to drink.
Do you have the powers to heal any kind of ailment ?
I will not agree to attend on a patient lying on a death bed or a person suffering from a terminal disease. No body, I believe, can cure them. I will agree to attend on any patients suffering from any other type of ailment. In fact, I have cured patients rejected by even medical specialists. Not only that, I have even diagnosed hidden diseases of patients, which could not be traced by famous Doctors of medicine.
How do you start treating a patient ?
At the beginning, the patient must observe the five precepts, then chant the Pirith, and guide to follow the Vipassana Bhavana (insight meditation) process. If the patient does this properly, nothing else is necessary to treat a patient.
Do you also treat cancer patients ?
I have discovered a medication for cancer, but it needs to be experimented. My problem is that I do not have enough facilities and financial resources to embark on that. Genuinely, if some one is interested in helping me with it, I will be able to successfully finalize my research and come out with the discovery.
Are you able to diagnose any hidden diseases using your psychic powers ?
Often, the patients whose problems could not be diagnosed by Doctors, visit me. I observe such patients well, and point out to them the area of the body where the indications of the problem lie. I advise them to go to a Doctor, tell the Doctor about it, get an x-ray and follow the treatment process prescribed by the Doctor. There have been many such patients in the past, who were treated by Doctors following the observations I made in terms of the diagnosis of diseases.
Supposing you are searching for medications to treat patients, are you governed by your psychic powers ?
Indeed, I look for medication only though my psychic powers. We have in Sri Lanka, all the necessary ingredients for any medication meant for any disease of our people. What is necessary is to discover them. I discover my medications through my psychic power and strength.
You are also known for discovering medications for very serious – sometimes even terminal – ailments. Is that true ?
At the moment, I have almost launched two research projects on developing medications, one for cancer and the other for HIV/AIDS. Thankfully, my psychic powers are helping me in that. I really like if any patient with AIDS visits me. I can treat the patient with my medications and experiment on the results.
How much of money should a patient bring along for your healing process ?
I do not heal patients for the sake of money. I am not prepared to bargain for money, the powers I have acquired by faithfully following the teachings of Lord Buddha. Those who seek my heeling should only bring a sheaf of betel.
Do you treat only diseases, or do you undertake treating persons with mental problems like depression etc., or those who are burdened with various personal and social issues ?
I, of course, treat drug addicts and alcoholics. I save them from those disasters. In such instances I treat the mind and not the body. I can use my powers to eradicate misconduct from those who are glued to them, and to show mastery over even a demon.
You are neither a charmer, nor a Doctor or an astrologer. But you are said to handle issues relating to various spiritual impacts on lands, houses and property as well. Is it so ?
If there is any kind of spiritual (of evil spirits with greed, hatred, anguish or charmed and caught by evil spells ) impact on people, land, houses or property, they are doomed. There cannot be any progress or development. No peace and happiness in the family. Life itself becomes a burden. I help such people to overcome their problems using my powers.
How do you know if a land or a house is affected by a spirit ?
As I said earlier, I live with some extraordinary psychic powers in my possession. So, when I enter the premises of a house or a land, I start feeling the problem affecting the place. Naturally, even the owner may not know about it. I explain the situation and the remedial measures to be taken.
You are well educated. Are you willing to teach or show the way for others also to achieve the powers you have so dedicatedly acquired ?
When you maintain a clean and pure mind, with reduced craving, hatred and ignorance, you start enjoying a bliss of happiness and strength, which cannot be explained. If you follow the five precepts, carry on with the chanting of Pirith, and do meditation at least for two to three hours a day, and do continue this whole process for six or seven years with Maithree Bhavanawa (meditation on compassion) in the forefront, you could acquire some powers to diagnose an ailment and treat it. I am sincerely interested in sharing with others what I have achieved.
Are you in employment ? How do you manage life ?
I am not employed in any office or organization. My age is 53 now. I have obtained a degree in Bachelor of Arts at the University of Kelaniya. I have also been trained in The Netherlands and Germany on Market Supervision by the United Nations. I am a farmer. If at all I seek any employment, it will be in the field of propagating Buddhism and popularizing Buddhist philosophy.
How could someone contact you for any assistance ?
I can be contacted by letters, telephone or e-mails. My address is as follows:
Mr S D P Pathmasiri, No 371/A Uggashena, Polpithimukalana, Kandana, Sri Lanka.
My phone number is + 94 11 22 38 427 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 94 11 22 38 427 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. My e-mail addresses are given below:
pathmasirisdp@hotmail.com and pemachandrasdp@yahoo.com
Article on Divaina
The article that appeared in ‘Divaina’ newspaper of 12 . 11. 2002
Medical advice and medications are required for healing patients with various ailments. But Mr S D P Pathmasiri, with his mental power acquired through Pirith Chanting and Meditation, uses simple medications to cure very complicated illnesses of people, and he is prepared to train anyone to achieve same powers, as a service to humanity.
Mr Pathmasiri emphasizes that his ability to cure patients through mental power was acquired through Pirith and Meditation. He describes his way of treatment as follows:
“Since my childhood, I have been attached to Buddhism. As children, my two sisters and I used to chant Pirith Suttas, guided by our parents. We observed Panchaseela (five precepts) everyday. In the year 1992, I had the chance of meeting “Iskola Ayya”, a well known person in Hunupitiya, Wattala. He wanted to have a look at my horoscope. He examined the charts in the horoscope one by one very carefully, and said that in my previous birth, I seem to have committed many sins by inflicting pain on people and animals. In order to compensate for those sins, he said, I should practise Maithree Bhavanava (meditation on compassion) and engage in meritorious activities. So, I started following his advice.
Thus, every night I used to chant 23 Parittta Suttas (Pirith Sutras). I also got accustomed to practising Maithree Bhavanava (meditation on compassion) and the Vipassana Bhavanava (insight meditation) after Pirith. I continued this process for four long years, when one day I suddenly realized that some change was taking place in me. I felt some kind of a heat emanating from my body. Nevertheless, I ignored it, and continued with the practice for one more year, I realized that my finger tips seemed to be swelling. I was very concerned about it, as it had never happened to me before. But it continued to happen every time I completed the Pirith Chanting and the Meditation process. But the swelling ( not physical swelling but seemed to be such) used to disappear in about half an hour.
One day, after I had completed Pirith and Meditation, while rising up from the floor I was seated on, I lost my balance and almost fell to the ground. As anybody else would usually do, I pressed my open hand on to the ground, in order to avoid any serious fall. Just then I felt as if some heat from my hand was being absorbed by the earth. In a while, the heaviness of the hand and the heat of the body disappeared.
During this period, I came to know that a certain lady in Ganemulla was healing patients with the powers derived through the rays emanating from her body. I went to see her. I believed that I too must be able to cure patients similarly. So, I continued with Pirith Chanting and Meditation without interruption. This time however, I was keeping some small bottles of medicinal oil in front of me.
I knew that one of my nieces was suffering from a fairly large boil on her leg for sometime, and the doctors had said that it should be removed through a surgery. I went to see her, and touched the area of the boil with my hand. After about two weeks, I was told that the boil had gradually disappeared. This was how I started treating patients through my way of healing. Since then, whenever I came to know of a patient, I used to go and apply my healing process successfully.”
How do you find your medicine ?
When you understand the invaluable superiority of Pirith and Meditation, you will also understand that there is a close relationship among the plants and the space above us. This understanding is the result of many years of dedicated Meditation. That understanding is in my possession now. I identify medications for ailments using the power of the mind and that of the Meditation. But I do not give the patients any of my medications to drink, nor do I prescribe any applications, primarily because I am not a Doctor of medicine. But I advise the patients to drink juice of fruits and vegetables as they help anyone to be healthy.
If so, what are your medications ?
Let me explain. Once I heard about a young girl suffering from an acute cancer problem. To get rid of the pain, she had used large doses of pain-killer drugs. In order to reduce her pain, I had to prepare a special medication identified through my mental power based on Pirith and Meditation. I gave my medication to her to be placed under the chair she used to sit on. When she sat on that chair, she fell into a sleep. Gradually her pain had reduced. Thereafter I started treating her for the cancer. I am still treating her with remarkable progress.
So, you can cure cancer successfully ?
I have discovered a healing process for cancer. But I need to develop it further, for which I need some support from someone interested in it.
Could you please explain your cancer treatment process ?
First, I get the patient to observe the Panchaseela. Then, based on the concepts of Anicca (impermanence), Dukkha (suffering) and Anatma (soullessness), I would guide the patient to chant Pirith Sutras and train to engage in Maithree Bhavanava ((meditation on compassion) and Vipassana Bhavanava (insight meditation). If the patient belongs to another religion, then I will pursue accordingly. After all, Anicca, Dukkha and Anatma can be applicable to all religions and are common factors. Even Meditation is common in all religions. Difference is that other religions practise meditation in different ways. If the patient does these few things well, nothing else is necessary as a cure. After two weeks of such practice, I will start treating with my medications, and they will respond well to the cancer. This is the base of my healing process for cancer. Let me tell you, this process could be practised by anybody, not only by myself.
I must also clarify that Meditation alone is not going to cure patients. Illnesses need medication as well. It is very clear. However, if the medications and the treatments do not answer, the patient needs a special kind of healing process. It is that healing process, that I conduct to help patients to recover from various illnesses. I must stress that I am not involved in the profession of a Doctor. After all, no body can help, if a person is breathing the last or is suffering from a deadly disease.
I am prepared to teach my healing methods to anyone who likes to learn and practise it. It is well known that, when one rids the mind of Lobha (craving), Dwesha (anger) and Moha (ignorance), mind becomes cleansed. Then, when one practises Alobha (non-craving), Adwesha (non-anger) and Amoha (non-ignorance) one derives physical and mental strength of inexpressible significance. One can meet all challenges due to this strength. If one meditates on Anicca, Dukkha and Anatma and follows the Panchaseela, and also practises Meditation, any kind of ailment will get cured. If one follows the Panchaseela with dedication, and chant the Pirith Sutras at least for two hours a day, for a period of about six or seven years continuously, and practise Maithree Bhavanava and Vipassana Bhavanava, one can acquire the mental power to diagnose illnesses and carry out healing processes. I am prepared to help anyone who likes to acquire such powers. At the same time, I am looking for assistance to further develop the healing process I have discovered to help cancer patients.
(Mr S D P Pathmasiri could be contacted at the address – 371 A, Uggashena, Polpithimukalana, Kandana, Sri Lanka or on the phone + 94 11 22 38 427 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 94 11 22 38 427 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or on e-mail pathmasirisdp@hotmail.com or pemachandradp@yahoo.com
Medical advice and medications are required for healing patients with various ailments. But Mr S D P Pathmasiri, with his mental power acquired through Pirith Chanting and Meditation, uses simple medications to cure very complicated illnesses of people, and he is prepared to train anyone to achieve same powers, as a service to humanity.
Mr Pathmasiri emphasizes that his ability to cure patients through mental power was acquired through Pirith and Meditation. He describes his way of treatment as follows:
“Since my childhood, I have been attached to Buddhism. As children, my two sisters and I used to chant Pirith Suttas, guided by our parents. We observed Panchaseela (five precepts) everyday. In the year 1992, I had the chance of meeting “Iskola Ayya”, a well known person in Hunupitiya, Wattala. He wanted to have a look at my horoscope. He examined the charts in the horoscope one by one very carefully, and said that in my previous birth, I seem to have committed many sins by inflicting pain on people and animals. In order to compensate for those sins, he said, I should practise Maithree Bhavanava (meditation on compassion) and engage in meritorious activities. So, I started following his advice.
Thus, every night I used to chant 23 Parittta Suttas (Pirith Sutras). I also got accustomed to practising Maithree Bhavanava (meditation on compassion) and the Vipassana Bhavanava (insight meditation) after Pirith. I continued this process for four long years, when one day I suddenly realized that some change was taking place in me. I felt some kind of a heat emanating from my body. Nevertheless, I ignored it, and continued with the practice for one more year, I realized that my finger tips seemed to be swelling. I was very concerned about it, as it had never happened to me before. But it continued to happen every time I completed the Pirith Chanting and the Meditation process. But the swelling ( not physical swelling but seemed to be such) used to disappear in about half an hour.
One day, after I had completed Pirith and Meditation, while rising up from the floor I was seated on, I lost my balance and almost fell to the ground. As anybody else would usually do, I pressed my open hand on to the ground, in order to avoid any serious fall. Just then I felt as if some heat from my hand was being absorbed by the earth. In a while, the heaviness of the hand and the heat of the body disappeared.
During this period, I came to know that a certain lady in Ganemulla was healing patients with the powers derived through the rays emanating from her body. I went to see her. I believed that I too must be able to cure patients similarly. So, I continued with Pirith Chanting and Meditation without interruption. This time however, I was keeping some small bottles of medicinal oil in front of me.
I knew that one of my nieces was suffering from a fairly large boil on her leg for sometime, and the doctors had said that it should be removed through a surgery. I went to see her, and touched the area of the boil with my hand. After about two weeks, I was told that the boil had gradually disappeared. This was how I started treating patients through my way of healing. Since then, whenever I came to know of a patient, I used to go and apply my healing process successfully.”
How do you find your medicine ?
When you understand the invaluable superiority of Pirith and Meditation, you will also understand that there is a close relationship among the plants and the space above us. This understanding is the result of many years of dedicated Meditation. That understanding is in my possession now. I identify medications for ailments using the power of the mind and that of the Meditation. But I do not give the patients any of my medications to drink, nor do I prescribe any applications, primarily because I am not a Doctor of medicine. But I advise the patients to drink juice of fruits and vegetables as they help anyone to be healthy.
If so, what are your medications ?
Let me explain. Once I heard about a young girl suffering from an acute cancer problem. To get rid of the pain, she had used large doses of pain-killer drugs. In order to reduce her pain, I had to prepare a special medication identified through my mental power based on Pirith and Meditation. I gave my medication to her to be placed under the chair she used to sit on. When she sat on that chair, she fell into a sleep. Gradually her pain had reduced. Thereafter I started treating her for the cancer. I am still treating her with remarkable progress.
So, you can cure cancer successfully ?
I have discovered a healing process for cancer. But I need to develop it further, for which I need some support from someone interested in it.
Could you please explain your cancer treatment process ?
First, I get the patient to observe the Panchaseela. Then, based on the concepts of Anicca (impermanence), Dukkha (suffering) and Anatma (soullessness), I would guide the patient to chant Pirith Sutras and train to engage in Maithree Bhavanava ((meditation on compassion) and Vipassana Bhavanava (insight meditation). If the patient belongs to another religion, then I will pursue accordingly. After all, Anicca, Dukkha and Anatma can be applicable to all religions and are common factors. Even Meditation is common in all religions. Difference is that other religions practise meditation in different ways. If the patient does these few things well, nothing else is necessary as a cure. After two weeks of such practice, I will start treating with my medications, and they will respond well to the cancer. This is the base of my healing process for cancer. Let me tell you, this process could be practised by anybody, not only by myself.
I must also clarify that Meditation alone is not going to cure patients. Illnesses need medication as well. It is very clear. However, if the medications and the treatments do not answer, the patient needs a special kind of healing process. It is that healing process, that I conduct to help patients to recover from various illnesses. I must stress that I am not involved in the profession of a Doctor. After all, no body can help, if a person is breathing the last or is suffering from a deadly disease.
I am prepared to teach my healing methods to anyone who likes to learn and practise it. It is well known that, when one rids the mind of Lobha (craving), Dwesha (anger) and Moha (ignorance), mind becomes cleansed. Then, when one practises Alobha (non-craving), Adwesha (non-anger) and Amoha (non-ignorance) one derives physical and mental strength of inexpressible significance. One can meet all challenges due to this strength. If one meditates on Anicca, Dukkha and Anatma and follows the Panchaseela, and also practises Meditation, any kind of ailment will get cured. If one follows the Panchaseela with dedication, and chant the Pirith Sutras at least for two hours a day, for a period of about six or seven years continuously, and practise Maithree Bhavanava and Vipassana Bhavanava, one can acquire the mental power to diagnose illnesses and carry out healing processes. I am prepared to help anyone who likes to acquire such powers. At the same time, I am looking for assistance to further develop the healing process I have discovered to help cancer patients.
(Mr S D P Pathmasiri could be contacted at the address – 371 A, Uggashena, Polpithimukalana, Kandana, Sri Lanka or on the phone + 94 11 22 38 427 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 94 11 22 38 427 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or on e-mail pathmasirisdp@hotmail.com or pemachandradp@yahoo.com